Here are some links to other Roycroft-related sites. I'd like to add more, so if you have a cool Roycroftie site or know of one that's worthy, let me know.
Roycroft Collecting:
They didn't only make copper things, they made books too! was created in early 2003 by Roycroft book collector and fellow Roycroft Yahoo Group member Paul Jackson. The site is a guide to collecting and appreciating the works of the Roycroft Print Shop. provides a unique peek at fine examples of Roycroft printing, illustration, and binding from some of the leading private Roycroft book collections. Included are rare and find editions with bindings by Louis Kinder and other Roycroft craftsmen, as well as examples of the work of Roycroft's best illustrators.
Roycroft History:
Professor David Hricik, a devotee of everything Roycroftie, has assembled a wonderful Roycroft chronology. In addition, he is currently climbing the Mount Everest of Roycroft data compilation by scanning and posting all the Roycroft product advertisements from the Fra and other Roycroft publications! Collectors should find an indespensible resource for learning about what was produced by the Roycrofters and when.
The Webpage Of The Roycrofters includes some history about Elbert Hubbard and the Roycroft Community, along with a posting board for Roycroft-related discussions.
Here's a well-researched overview of The Roycroft Community.
The Foundation for the Study of the Arts & Crafts Movement at Roycroft .
David Rago, auctioneer and publisher of Style 1900 magazine, did a segment on Roycroft metalwork for the Antiques Roadshow . The writer garbled a few of the facts, but so what, Roycroft copper on prime-time TV!!
The Roycroft Email Group on Yahoo:
There is an excellent Roycroft-related email group at Yahoo Groups (search on "roycroft"). The group includes some serious collectors (e.g. me) and scholars who share their knowledge on everything Roycroftie. The discussions are generally Roycroft book-related, but copper topics are also discussed. If you're serious about Roycroft, you're missing out if you don't sign up and participate. Simply reading the current threads is an education in itself.
Roycroft/Walter Jennings-Style Cylinder Vases:
Ron VanOstrand's cylinder vases are contemporary masterpieces (and very affordably priced). No bungalow should be without one! Ron also makes a lot of other cool Arts and Crafts copper stuff. Check out his site and visit him at GPI or Roycroft Festival in East Aurora!
Collecting Other Arts and Crafts Period Metalwork:
Vice city darknet market
David Surgan is THE expert on Heintz metalwork. Each year he exhibits at the Grove Park Inn and other shows and also lectures on collecting Heintz. If you wish to start a collection, add to your existing collection, or just browse an ever-changing inventory of Heintz sterling-on-bronze objects visit David's site:

Carence Crafters, Forest Craft Guild, Frost, Art Crafts Shop. etc: is dedicated to some of the smaller Arts and Crafts metal shops that typically don't get the attention lavished on the big names like Roycroft, Gus Stickely, Van Erp, etc. Includes information and pictures of Carence Crafters, Forest Craft Guild, Buffalo Art Crafts Shop, Frost, the Boston school, and more. Check out this site!!
Arts and Crafts Sterling Silver and Jewelry: is an evolving, but already kick-ass, site dedicated to handwrought metalwork from the American Arts & Crafts Movement.
The site includes silver, gold, copper, and brass decorative art from The Kalo Shop, Lebolt, Randahl, Carence Crafters, Forest Craft Guild, Eicher, Novick, Jarvie, Mulholland, Rokesley, Potter, Friedell, Smed, Art Silver Shop, Oakes, Foss, Hale, Rogers, Cauman, and others.
If you're into educating yourself about Arts and Crafts metalwork, is a must-visit!
Albert Berry's Arts and Crafts Copper Shop:

Albert Berry's Arts and Crafts Shop -- An excellent site to visit if you want to learn about this important west coast Arts and Crafts copper shop whose objects frequently incorporated walrus tusks, bone, etc.
Benedict, Onondaga, and Stickley Copper Work: is a great site dedicated to the various metal shops located in Syracuse, NY, including Gustav Stickley's famous Craftsman Workshops as well as OMS, Benedict and more.
Collecting Other Arts and Crafts Period Objects: -- My little side project on Fulper VaseKraft pottery and especially Fulper lamps -- an expanding online gallery dedicated to these fine and rare examples of Arts and Crafts Movement lighting from one of America's premier art potteries during the early 20th century.
Here's a comprehensive list of Arts and Crafts links assembled by another A&C fan(atic?) -- surf till you drop!
Arts and Crafts Dealers:
If you're looking to buy some Roycroft metal, you might want to check out these sites. I've bought from all these guys, and I recommend them (no, they're not paying me for this):

Daltons specializes in the Arts and Crafts Movement and offers many pieces of Roycroft metal, lighting and occasionally Roycroft furniture.

Partners Beth Cathers and Robert Kaplan of Cathers and Dembrosky are the premier high-end Arts and Crafts dealers. A visit to their 10th Street gallery in NYC is like stepping into a museum collection.
Pearce Fox Decorative Arts .
JMW Gallery
Arts and Crafts, Etc
Arts and Crafts Auctions:
The big Arts and Crafts auctions are the best places to find high quality Roycroft copper items on a regular basis. Of course, a crowded auction room, buyer's premiums, and sales tax mean you may not always get the best deal.
David Rago Auctions. They also publish Style 1900 magazine, do excellent catalogs, and loan pictures to!!. Go to this auction!!!
Craftsman Auctions .
Treadway Gallery Auctions . Nice online auction catalogs!
eBay . There are plenty of Roycroft buyers on ebay competing for whatever shows up there, so I think the prices generally reflect the market. There are occasionally some deals, but I've also seen lots of pieces go for way more on eBay than I think they're worth, so watch out and don't get carried away with your bidding.
And beware of fakes! I've given up sending emails to unappreciative idiots explaining that just because the cheesy machine-hammered copper watering can (probably made in 1955) they just bid $500 on has a Roycroft stamp on the bottom, doesn't make it real. Caveat emptor. And by the way, please don't bid against a guy that goes by "Bigfatty"!!!!
Other Arts and Crafts Stuff I Like:

Century Studios makes Tiffany reproduction lamps. I wanted a high quality custom-made Tiffany 16 inch pomegranate ceiling fixture for my apartment and these guys came through big time. I worked with owner Irwin Terry to pick a design, color and glass and what he delivered is simply amazing. See for yourself! And their prices are really affordable.
Other Antiques Resources on the Web:

The Collectors Weekly, a resource for collectors and people who love antiques. Their goal is to build a great place to explore and learn about collecting, and a showcase for the passion, knowledge and hard work of collectors everywhere.